"Assessment feedback on Dr. Ineke Koele:
She has a fertilizing mind, playing chess on several boards simultaneously, strategizing together with the client.
She is developing a suitable process, not a one size fits all approach, flexible, inventive, 'tool-erizing' the process of resolving cases.
She has a very good self-analysis, tools to deal with own mindset and emotions and empowering her clients, used as a tool to break impasse (coaching).
Systemic approach, using and working with the whole of factors, substance, psychology, interaction, actors, law, working around huge power imbalances and balancing these. Excellent ethics, used as a driver/ lens for actions.
Works with the other part and their lawyer as well as own client and experts (knowing how to use them optimally in the game). "
- IMI Mediation Advocacy Assessment February 2022

"Ineke did a very professional job in our family case. She is quick to understand, communicates very clearly and tackles the matter well thought out with perfect timing and efficiency. We have been very happy with the result achieved and can recommend Ineke to everyone."
- Citywealth Private Client Review 2021

"In a very complicated professional case, Ineke proved to possess a finely tuned blend of professional knowledge and empathy in order to reach the desired goals. Apart from her extensive expertise in the fiscal/legal aspects she knows how to slow down or accelerate in a professional process. As our case asked for highly delicate interaction with institutional and government agencies she showed she knows exactly how to play the game. An 'out of the box' approach combined with a thorough knowledge of the relevant fiscal and legal aspects makes her an excellent professional in her field in our view."
- Daniel Bos, Bonnerman & partners bv  
"Ineke Koele, is not only a highly skilled and respected tax professional with many years of (international) experience, but also an exceptional likable person with a remarkable eye for detail and negotiation processes. I’m lucky to have Ineke on our side for all important tax matters."
- R.J. Wesselius, Tupla Vastgoed B.V.   
 "We do not, as a matter of general policy, extend reviews, either postively or negatively. In this case, given the resounding results achieved by Dr. Koele and the absolutely wonderful service received from her, we will break from policy to applaud her. Five stars are merited in all categories."
- Citywealth Private Client Review 2019
"She is establishing a strong name, has a lot of energy and a very good reputation."
- Chambers High Net Worth Guide 2018
"I think she is very creative. She is, I think, able to be analytical and creative, and she is a people person," says a Dutch market insider, adding: "As a lawyer, she just focuses on the client's interests and goes for it. I think she does a lot of complex international estate planning, a niche in which she is very successful. It requires a combination of expertise that few people have." Sources also praise Koele's work with non-profit organisations, with one commentator saying that she is "a particularly good practitioner in the charity field."
- Chambers.com High Net Worth 2019, Band 1.
"A true professional who allows her client to truly speak out. Ineke is able to provide comfort in delicate and sensitive situations. She provides clear advice and explanations and is able to have a complete view on the situation from different perspectives. While providing her recommendations, Ineke stays focused, but is open to a different view from the client as well and is able to switch approaches during the process without any judgement. Clear communication skills and swift follow-up make her a very pleasant advisor to work with."
- Citywealth Private Client Review 2019
“Ineke Koele has the great gift of combining a profound knowledge, not only of Dutch law but also of the manner in which clients with an international profile can make cross border arrangements work effectively, with excellent communications skills, embracing both lay clients and lawyers from other jurisdictions. I have really enjoyed working with her on a project which combined civil and common law structures in the context of a mix of private interests and charitable/purpose trusts and foundations.”
- Simon Weil, Bircham Dyson Bell, London
"A pure professional in her area of expertise. Has in-depth knowledge and access to a relevant network. She has the skills to analyze complex cases and to formulate a clear, comprehensive conclusion and recommendation. Results driven, with the right mindset to realize the best solution or deal. Open in her communication and swift follow up on pending issues. Good at teamwork."
- Citywealth Non-Profit Review 2019
"Ineke Koele's professional and planned approach ensured that the complex, international case she handled for me could be dealt with succcesfully. She did have to go to our Supreme Court to litigate on this matter. Ineke Koele is bold and persistent. The communication and reporting to me was pleasant, involved and adequate."
- Citywealth Private Client Review 2019
"Met passie en kennis benadert Ineke onderwerpen vanuit onverwachte hoeken. Dit leidt tot creatieve en goede oplossingen." - Arnaud Wilod Versprille, Olenz notarissen
"Ik voelde me gerust, omdat er iemand tegenover me zat die wist waarover zij het had. Je luisterde goed naar ons en was geduldig in het uitleggen van moeilijke materie. En buiten dat houd ik van je vriendelijke en humorvolle wijze van omgaan met mensen."
- Mr. W.L.F. Prisse, 2018
“Ineke en ik werken al vele jaren samen met groot plezier en wederzijds respect. Op energieke wijze, met durf en creativiteit gaat ze uitdagingen aan. Ze is klantgericht, sensitief, resultaatgericht. Snel schakelen in de samenwerking is een must. In woord en geschrift is zij zonder meer overtuigend. Dit alles overgoten met humor en behoud van het overzicht en de rust. Een ware rots in de branding.”
- Toon Hasselman, BTW-specialist
“Ineke komt niet met standaardoplossingen. Doordat ze doorgraaft tot de kern van de fiscale problematiek komt Ineke met heldere adviezen waarvan je je afvraagt waarom niemand anders die ooit heeft bedacht. Daarnaast is ook de mens Ineke prettig om mee samen te werken.”
- Elbert Dijkgraaf, CEO, Hooge Raedt Groep (2015)
"In ons geval was een conflict met de belastingdienst op een dood spoor beland. Door inventief denken en handelen van mevr. Koele kwamen belastingdienst en familie uiteindelijk tot overeenstemming. Ze is ook erg prettig in de omgang, heel helder."
- fam. V.
'We hebben heel plezierig samengewerkt. De voorbereidingen op de eventuele schikking met de Belastingdienst waren altijd kort maar krachtig en to the point. Het was een behoorlijk complexe situatie, die niet eenvoudig te doorgronden was. Ineke kan snel hoofdzaken van bijzaken onderscheiden"
- Heer P.  
"Ineke Koele heeft ons bijgestaan met de procesvoering in hoger beroep in een fiscale zaak die gezien het procesverloop een vrij uitzichtloos resultaat leek te gaan bieden. Door de zaak in een breder perspectief te zetten, is Ineke in staat geweest een positieve wending in de zaak te bereiken met een zeer tevredenstellend resultaat. Zonder de vakinhoudelijke aspecten uit het oog te verliezen, heeft ze uitgezoomd van de technische materie en het beoordelend rechtscollege meegenomen in het veel grotere perspectief van de zaak.”
- De heer S.
"In complexe internationale dossiers werk ik met Ineke in tandem waarbij wij scherp geïntegreerd overzicht hebben in de erfrechtelijke, fiscale, tactische én procesrechtelijke aspecten. Ineke is zeer betrokken bij haar cliënten, deskundig, slim en integer en behoudt onder alle omstandigheden het volledige overzicht over het dossier. We versterken elkaar en begrijpen elkaar met weinig woorden."
- mr.drs. Esther Maarsen-Neumann, procesadvocaat



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